First thing I want you to do is breathe and we will help you.

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is not what you wanted to see and I am guessing you are not in a happy place.

Blue screen of death, computer crash, Blue Screen of Death is a critical error with Microsoft Windows and it is either hardware related or has to do with software (drivers) that run the hardware. This critical failure causes Windows to crash. When this happens Windows is set to try and restart the computer by default. If you keep getting a blue screen of death than it is time to dig deeper.
If your computer comes back up the first thing I want you to do is back up your pictures, documents, videos – anything that you would just hate to lose. And if you don’t already have a regular back up plan now is the time to seriously consider it.
If you want to try, troubleshooting the issue yourself you can Google the error message that comes up in the Blue Screen of Death. There are many good articles out there listing all the things you can try.
Do not feel all that tech savvy or have the time then that’s when you call us. We will help you through this. Our goal is to not only get your computer back up and running but to make sure that you are ok and that we are going to work together to make it right. Because to be honest computer crashes, are not fun and they always seem to happen at right the wrong moment.
So if you have a Blue Screen of Death just know that you can call us and we have your back.